Editions Thierry Magnier of Paris publishes two new books devoted to Art Brut and intended for young people

Two new books for children have just been released: they are on sale at the museum bookstore:

Anic Zanzi, Architectures d’Art Brut, Paris, Editions Thierry Magnier, 2015,16 x 21 cm, 32 pages
Price: CHF 19.-
This publication invites us to discover houses, cities and huts unlike any we know: these have been painted, hand drawn or carved. Beginning with a game of observation, each double-page spread presents a work, together with a short biography of one of the greats in this singular field of art.

Bonhomme d'Art Brut, by Lucienne Peiry, Editions Thierry Magnier, Paris,  2015, 24 x 20 cm, 28 pages.
Price: CHF 17.-
This book featuring the familiar figure of a little bloke is made of cardboard, with rounded corners and in bright colors: even the youngest of children will enjoy exploring the twelve works conceived by Bill Traylor, Chaissac and Gaston Duf.  The book incites youngsters to hone their observation skills, inviting them to rummage through highly varied works done in such diversified techniques as collage, sculpture, pencil drawing and painting.


Publish Date: 04.11.2015