Loan of ten artworks by Théo for the exhibition "Retour sur l’abîme" aux Musées in Belfort

The Collection de l'Art Brut has lent ten artworks by Théo  to the Musées de Belfort and to the CRAC in Montbéliard for their exhibition Retour sur l’abîme - l'art à l'épreuve du génocide, from October 10th 2015 thru January 11th 2016.

Belfort : Musée des beaux arts - Musée de la citadelle - Théâtre du Granit -  École d’art de Belfort G. Jacot
Montbéliard : Le 19, Centre régional d’art contemporain
October 10th 2015 thru January 11th 2016


Publish Date: 10.10.2015