"Grand écart sur les écrits" [Spanning the Writings] - A CrAB (art brut collective) Seminar

Grand écart sur les écrits
Brut writings: from their psychiatric origins to contemporary practice.
A morning gathering set up to examine the "span" of brut writings.  It entails an historical approach that is inseparable from a spatial schema: from a psychiatric exclusion contained within four walls to that carved into the very walls of the housing developments or else transposed into poetry. Be that as it may, it is society and its institutions as a whole that such writing practices knowingly question.

9:45-10am : Vincent Capt (Lausanne) - Welcome
10-10:45am : Juan Rigoli (Geneva) - Reading delirium: an alienist reading of writings by asylum inmates
10:45-11:45am : Screening of the film "Playboy Communiste" on Alain Rault, with one of the film directors, David Thouroude, in attendance
11:45- noon : Break
noon-12:30pm : Roberta Trapani (Palermo/Paris 10) - Melina Riccio and Alain Rault : an anthropology of contemporary brut writing practices
12:30-1pm : Summary and discussion
This event also provides an occasion to celebrate the launching in France of Vincent Capt's recent book Poétique des écrits bruts. De l’aliéné vers l’autre de la langue (Lausanne/Limoges, Collection de l’Art Brut, Lambert-Lucas): the book will be available at the seminar.

From 9:30am
Institut national d'histoire de l'art
salle Walter-Benjamin
2, rue Vivienne – 75002 Paris
No entry fee


Publish Date: 01.02.2014