
31.08.2024 14:30

Free guided tour of the "Magalí Herrera, A Spark of Light in this World" exhibition

Visit by Pascale Jeanneret, curator

Free guided tour, museum admission charged

Booking via the online ticket shop

03.09.2024 18:00

Free guided tour of the "Clemens Wild" show for teachers

By Sophie Clément, mediator

Booking via the online ticket shop

03.09.2024 18:00

Free guided tour of the "Pascal Vonlanthen" show for teachers

By Sophie Clément, mediator

Booking via the online ticket shop

18.09.2024 15:30

Mini-concert: Dessine ta musique

An immersive, multi-sensory experience where children will be given free rein to represent the music they hear through curves, strokes and colours. The musicians will then give their interpretations of the young artists’ creations.

For children aged 4+. Length: 45 minutes.

Free. Registration recommended.


Jacques Christian Michael Widerkehr (1759-1823), Trio N° 3 en ré mineur, Allegro – Cantabile – Allegro

Giuseppe Cambini (1746-1825), Trio op 45 N° 6, Allegro con grazia – Rondo : Allegretto Grazioso 

Musicians :

Jean-Luc Sperissen (flute), Beat Anderwert (oboe), François Dinkel (bassoon)

visitor engagement officers :

Sophie Clément (Collection de l’Art Brut), Violaine Contreras de Haro (Orchestre de Chambre de Lausanne)     

- online booking, within the limits of the seats available.

18.09.2024 17:00

Mini-concert: Dessine ta musique

An immersive, multi-sensory experience where children will be given free rein to represent the music they hear through curves, strokes and colours. The musicians will then give their interpretations of the young artists’ creations.

For children aged 4+. Length: 45 minutes.

Free. Registration recommended.


Jacques Christian Michael Widerkehr (1759-1823), Trio N° 3 en ré mineur, Allegro – Cantabile – Allegro

Giuseppe Cambini (1746-1825), Trio op 45 N° 6, Allegro con grazia – Rondo : Allegretto Grazioso 

Musicians :

Jean-Luc Sperissen (flute), Beat Anderwert (oboe), François Dinkel (bassoon)

visitor engagement officers :

Sophie Clément (Collection de l’Art Brut), Violaine Contreras de Haro (Orchestre de Chambre de Lausanne)     

- online booking, within the limits of the seats available.

30.09.2024 09:00

international symposium: Disability art studios: new sources for Art Brut?

Palais de Beaulieu, Salle Saint Moritz
Av. Bergières 10
1004 Lausanne

Admission is free, but registration is required :

[email protected]

Full program on blog page

The Collection de l’Art Brut will hold an international symposium to coincide with the solo exhibitions of works by Pascal Vonlanthen and Clemens Wild, which run from 14 June to 27 October 2024.

The event will feature art brut specialists, studio directors and the artists they support, and cultural and social policymakers from the City of Lausanne and the Canton of Vaud. The one-day symposium will provide insights into the workings of organisations in Belgium, France and Switzerland that support artists with disabilities and showcase their work. In recent years, these studios have also provided a rich seam of new artist discoveries for museums and galleries with an interest in art brut.

The symposium will look back on the history of disability art studios, most of which started life in psychiatric hospitals – places outside conventional art circles – and explore their early links with art brut. This will also be an opportunity to challenge the criteria by which art brut is categorised in light of the fact that these creative spaces are “supervised”, to compare the various models by which these studios operate, and to examine the support they offer to the artists they accommodate and represent.

10.10.2024 19:00

An evening with Clemens Wild

Screening of Ouistreham [Between Two Worlds], a film by Emmanuel Carrère, 1 hour 47 minutes, 2022.

Clemens Wild (artist) in conversation with Teresa Maranzano (curator).

Famed author Marianne Winckler goes undercover to investigate the exploitation of the working class in Northern France. She eventually lands a job as a cleaner on the cross-channel ferry and develops close connections with the other cleaning women, many of whom have extremely limited resources and few opportunities. As she learns more about the plight of these workers, Marianne struggles with her deception and tries to rationalise that it’s for the greater good.

Cinéma Bellevaux, Rte Aloys-Fauquez 4, 1018 Lausanne
Tickets available from the cinema box office. No reservation required.

27.10.2024 14:00

Children’s workshop: “Design your own bag”

Come along and design your very own tote bag. Choose whatever method you like: embroidery, painting, drawing, writing and more. And the best part? You get to take your amazing creation away with you! If you need inspiration, look no further than Clemens Wild’s paper bags covered with colourful designs and writing.

For children aged 6 and older.
There will be a children’s tour of the exhibition before the workshop.
Time: 2pm–3:45pm. Price: CHF 10 per child.

Booking via the online ticket shop

27.10.2024 14:30

Free guided tour of the "Clemens Wild" exhibition

Visit for the general public, adapted for the visually impaired

By Mali Genest, cultural mediator at the Collection de l'Art Brut

Free guided tour, museum admission charged

Booking via the online ticket shop

27.10.2024 14:30

Free guided tour of the "Pascal Vonlanthen" exhibition

Visit for the general public, adapted for the visually impaired

By Mali Genest, cultural mediator at the Collection de l'Art Brut

Guided tour free, museum entrance fee payable

Booking via the online ticket shop

27.10.2024 15:30

Musical poetry performance by Fribourg-based artist Michel Terrapon

To coincide with the closure of the exhibitions

Michel Terrapon (b. 1952) has always loved drawing and has been writing since he was a teenager. He loves hard-hitting words and words that leave some meaning to the imagination.

After spending many years in Asia, he now lives in Gruyère, and has even worked as a cheesemaker. He has also worked in forests and has a particular appreciation for their sounds and smells. He gives solo and accompanied performances under the name DéRAPONS.

Free entry, no booking