no-r-malization; the world of Art Brut in Japan - lecture series on Art Brut

"no-r-malization; the world of Art Brut in Japan" is the title of a lecture series in connection with the eponymous exhibition by NO-MA, Borderless Art Museum (OmiHachiman, Japan), from 1 to 23 March, 2014.

March 1: Sarah Lombardi,  "Jean Dubuffet and the Collection de l'Art Brut"
March 8: Laurent Danchin,  "Jean Dubuffet et après: pour une nouvelle approche de l'Art Brut" (Jean Dubuffet and thereafter: for a new approach to Art Brut)
March 15: Martine Lusardy "Quelques réflexions sur l'Art Brut à l'heure de sa consécration" (several thoughts on Art Brut in the throes of its consecration)

No-Ma, Borderless Art Museum website


Publish Date: 01.03.2014