Blackstock, Gregory L.

The Ravens
The Ravens, 2009 Lead pencil, felt-tip pen, wax oil crayon, and colored pencil 125 x 46 cm Gift of the artist and GardeRail Gallery © Photo credit Collection de l’Art Brut, Lausanne
Blackstock, Gregory L.,
(1946 - 2023), USA
The American Art Brut creator Gregory L. Blackstock (1946 - 2023) is autistic. He reinterprets the universe in the dim light of his cluttered one-room dwelling place. With the shutters closed and the curtains drawn day and night, he withdraws into the silent seclusion of his at once living and working quarters. And this notwithstanding all the uproar and flashing lights of the surrounding city of Seattle.
Blackstock worked as a pot scrubber for an athletic club during twenty-five years, rounding off his income by playing the accordion on in the street and making drawings that at times appeared in the club newspaper. Gradually, his compositions took up more and more of his time and, since his retirement in 2001, they have become part and parcel of his everyday life — a full-time, feverishly pursued activity.
- Gregory Blackstock the Encyclopaedist. Guo Fengyi and the Magic Scrolls (movies)
- Gregory Blackstock ( Large format poster)
- Vehicles (french version) (Exhibition catalogues)
- Vehicles (Exhibition catalogues)
- Architecture (Exhibition catalogues)
- Architectures d'Art Brut (Children's book)
- Architecture (english version) (Exhibition catalogues)
- Gregory Blackstock (Small posters)
- The Art Brut Fascicle N°23 (The Art Brut Fascicles)
- Gregory Blackstock - The World Landmark Buildings ( Large format poster)