New publication on Willem van Genk

Nico van der Endt knew Willem van Genk personally. In large measure, he contributed to making the latter's oeuvre more widely known, notably at the Collection de l'Art Brut in Lausanne. He traveled abroad with the draftsman and paid visit to him at his home regularly. Throughout their time together, lasting almost until van Genk's death, van der Endt kept track of Genk's declarations.

The result is a publication entitled Chronicles on Willem van Genk, currently being released (Eindhoven, Lecturis, 2014) and featuring interesting and moving stories and recollections.
Lucienne Peiry has contributed the book's preface: “La figure tutélaire de Willem van Genk” (the tutelary figure of Willem van Genk).

The book's release is being celebrated in Amsterdam (Galerie Hamer) on Saturday March 22nd, at 4pm, under the auspices of the Opening Reception for a new exhibition of works by Willem van Genk.
Ms. Lucienne Peiry will give a talk at this opening.


Publish Date: 18.03.2014